
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Impact Awards Ceremony

Celebrate excellence at our Inspirational awards night. This prestigious event is dedicated to honoring exceptional leaders and their organizations who have made remarkable strides in the domains of environmental, societal, and governance (ESG) sustainability.

  • Environmental Award focuses on areas ranging from energy consumption and emissions across technology infrastructure to sustainable sourcing.
  • Social Award focuses on champions of diversity, equity, and inclusion within IT, and significant contributions to community relations and sustainable jobs.
  • Governance Award celebrates institutions sustainability woven into their decision-making processes, emphasizing leadership, training, data privacy, and tangible business value.
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Breakfast and Registration
9:00 AM - 9:10 AM
Welcome and Introductions
Ralph Loura Rainer Karcher
9:10 AM - 9:50 AM
Why IT Needs Sustainability and Sustainability Needs IT
Ron Guerrier Jens Wandel

Ron Guerrier shares insights on technology and social sustainability from his personal journey from son of Haitian immigrants to private sector Hall of Fame CIO to CTO of nonprofit Save the Children.

Jens Wandel, architect of the UN's new Digital Compact, will share the UN's perspective on IT's pivotal role in achieving global sustainability and how the Digital COmpact can guide sustainable technology deployment, including AI.

9:50 AM - 10:30 AM
Fulfilling IT's Responsible AI Mandate
Betty Elliott Jody Elliott Ron Guerrier Rainer Karcher Ivneet Kaur

IT leadership must ensure that Generative AI will scale to be an effective, transformative technology for business employees and customers, while also avoiding and mitigating the technology’s potential environmental and social harm. SustainableIT members and experts will share insights and tools to implement responsible AI governance ASAP.

10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Networking Break
11:00 AM - 11:40 AM
Power Partnerships: Profiles in Collaborative Sustainability

When companies work in isolation, there is little chance for lasting sustainability impact. Only by partnering across the value-chain with vendors, industry peers, and public and private influencers can companies ensure a sustainable future for planet, people and progress. This rapid-fire series of successful partnership profiles will inspire and inform ways to amplify IT’s impact.

11:40 AM - 12:20 PM
Fireside Chat: Secrets of Award-Winning IT Sustainability Leaders
George Maddaloni

SustainableIT Impact Award honorees from acclaimed organizations will share their best practices and lessons learned in leading technology-enabled sustainability. Topics addressed will include mobilization, funding and performance management; driving decarbonization through data and GenAI; leveling up vendor collaboration, and what happens if transformation falls short of goals. Attendees will also have an opportunity during the event for small-group interactions with honorees for a more intimate Q&A exchange.

12:20 PM - 1:35 PM
Lunch and Networking
1:35 PM - 2:05 PM
The ROI of Sustainability: Building Your Strongest Business Case

Although finance leadership may be skeptical, in many cases investments in sustainability and cost efficiency improvement proceed in lock step. The ROI of sustainability in the IT function and at the enterprise level can be clearly defined in both quantitative and qualitative terms. Refine your own sustainability business case by joining our ROI workshop.

Assessing & Elevating Your IT Sustainability Maturity

SustainableIT and its alliance partner and member Deloitte will debut a new jointly developed resource for assessing and comparing the sustainability maturity of the IT organization, specifically the characteristics and capabilities that matter most to ESG transformation success. Program leaders will share results of an extensive analysis, including the KPIs recommended for tracking and elevating sustainable IT maturity.

2:10 PM - 2:40 PM
Live Case Study: Reducing E-Waste for Social and Environmental Impact at UCLA Health
Sarah Brockhaus Brandon Smith

As organizations strive to meet their environmental and social impact goals, finding actionable and cost-effective solutions is crucial. Join UCLA health and to explore how your organization can address “low-hanging fruit” e-waste challenges to drive measurable environmental and social equity outcomes. This session will detail how to set realistic goals, steps in the process, challenges of scale, common misconceptions, and measuring and reporting results. 

Live Case Study: Forging a Strong IT Sustainability Team and Culture
Anurang Revri Eun-Soo Lim Ann-Marie Yap Helena Findikaki Rick Pastore

Most IT sustainability efforts start as well-meaning but ad hoc or isolated projects. Real progress comes when these initiatives are synchronized to specific goals and strategy, fueled by ongoing resources and skill sets. We’ll dive into a live case study of how Stanford Health Care staffed and mobilized its IT sustainability team and earned its place as a valued player in its enterprise’s ESG transformation. Several members of the Impact Award-winning team will join us in a candid discussion on roles, organization model, partnering, performance management, and more. Bring your questions for this high-performance team!

2:45 PM - 3:15 PM
How IT Facilitates Regulatory Reporting & Compliance
Wiebren van der Zee Ann Rosenberg James Beeson

Climate disclosure rules and due diligence reporting requirements have become law on multiple continents, compelling companies to measure and disclose both their current states and their mitigation plans and actions. IT is being called on to identify, collect, and distribute auditable data to facilitate compliance reporting globally. Find out what companies in the vanguard are doing to meet these demands and get ahead of evolving regulations in their regions and industries.

Driving Sustainability Through the Tech Supply Chain
Bryan Muehlberger Anders Rodenberg

IT leaders have enormous leverage over the technology supply chain and should be exercising it to drive ESG sustainability beyond the borders of their companies and industries. Attendees will discuss how to set and apply ESG standards with their suppliers and how to collaborate with tech vendors globally to optimize value chain sustainability

3:35 PM - 4:00 PM
Closing Keynote